Pledge of Allegiance and National Anthem on WIKI
We love our country at WIKI Country 95.3.
So much so that we will be airing the Pledge of Allegiance and the National Anthem on a daily basis. And we want students and community members in WIKI Country to be the voice or sound!
Classrooms, school bands, scout troops, local choirs, etc. are encouraged to record and submit the Pledge of Allegiance or the National Anthem to
Please provide the name of your school, classroom, organization, etc. for proper identification on air.
The preferred format is MP3.
Thank you for loving your country with WIKI Country 95.3.
New CASA Volunteer Training 2025
Join our community of CASA volunteers and staff once a week from February 4th - February 27th to become a child advocate with CASA of Jefferson County.
at Ivy Tech Community College -
Local News

Indiana Governor proclaimed this week FFA Week

See what roads are closed due to high water.

Taken action to fill an unintended shortfall in the state’s main funding source for K-12 schools
Local Sports

Any missing scores or to report a score email

The Red Wolves are getting a good one.

Any missing scores or to report a score email