Hunter injures self in accident in Switzerland County

Monday, November 19, 2018 at 5:00 PM

By Travis A. Stewart, DNR Law Enforcement

Firearm accidentally discharged

Indiana Conservation Officers are investigating a hunting accident which a hunter in Switzerland County accidentally shot himself on Nov. 18, near Dillsboro.


James Sweetman, 45, Dillsboro, sustained a gunshot injury to his left heal while heading to his stand to hunt deer.

Sweetman was reportedly walking downhill when he stepped on a slick log that caused him to slip. Sweetman’s firearm was slung over his shoulder, with the barrel facing down, when the firearm accidentally discharged as he fell.


Sweetman made contact with his father and son who contacted 9-1-1 at about 6:15 a.m. He was then airlifted by U.C. Air to the University of Cincinnati to receive medical treatment.


Indiana Conservation Officers, UC Air, East Enterprise Fire Department, and Switzerland County Emergency Response were all on scene to assist. 


An investigation is ongoing.

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